

A. Rupe, K. Kashinath, N. Kumar, Victor Lee, Prabhat and James Crutchfield, “Towards Unsupervised Segmentation of Extreme Weather Events”, Climate Informatics 2019

A. Rupe, N. Kumar “ DisCo: Physics-based Unsupervised Discovery of Coherent Structures in Spatiotemporal Systems”, Paper at 5th workshop on Machine Learning in HPC (SC19 Workshop)

Authors from Intel, LBNL, and Cray, “CosmoFlow: Using Deep Learning to Learn the Universe at Scale”, Supercomputing (SC) 2018.

A. Ramaswamy, N. Kumar, A. Neelakantan, H. Lam, G. Stitt, “Scalable Behavioral Emulation of Extreme-Scale Systems Using Structural Simulation Toolkit”, International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP) 2018

Y. Zhang, A. Neelkantan, N. Kumar, C. Park, R. Haftka, N. Kim, H. Lam, “Multi-fidelity Surrogate Modeling for Application/Architecture Co-design”, International Workshop on Performance Modeling, Benchmarking and Simulation of High Performance Computer Systems, Nov 2017.

N. Kumar, C. Pascoe, C. Hajas, H. Lam, G. Stitt, and A. George, “Behavioral Emulation for Scalable Design-Space Exploration of Algorithms and Architectures”, 2016 Workshop on Exascale Multi/many Core Computing Systems (E-MuCoCoS 2016), Frankfurt, Germany, June 2016.

N. Kumar, M. Sringarpure, T. Banerjee, J. Hackl, S. Balachandar, H. Lam, A. George, and S. Ranka, "CMT-bone: A Mini-App for Compressible Multiphase Turbulence Simulation Software." 2015 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing. IEEE, 2015.

R. Kirchgessner, and N. Kumar, “Fault susceptibility analysis of applications on Tilera many-core architecture”, Internal conference at National Reconnaissance Office, Washington DC, August 2010.


  • A. Rupe, K. Kashinath, N. Kumar, V. Lee, Prabhat and J. Crutchfield, “Towards Unsupervised Segmentation of Extreme Weather Events”, Poster at AGU Fall Meeting 2019

  • N. Kumar, A. George, H. Lam, G. Stitt and S. Hammond, “Understanding Performance and Reliability Trade-offs for Extreme-scale Systems using Behavioral Emulation”, Poster at Workshop on Modeling & Simulation of Systems & Applications (ModSim15), August 2016, Seattle.

  • N. Kumar, C. Hajas, A. George, H. Lam, and G. Stitt. 2015. “Multi-Scale Multi-Objective Behavioral Emulation of Future-Gen Applications and Systems.” Poster at 2015 Salishan Conference on High-Speed Computing, April 27-30, 2015 in Gleneden Beach, Oregon.

  • N. Kumar, C. Pascoe, C. Hajas, A.D. Gupta, K. Parthaje, H. Lam, A. George, and G. Stitt, “Behavioral Emulation for Future-Gen System Study”, Poster at CHREC Annual Workshop, Gainesville, FL, 2013.


  • N. Kumar, “Behavioral Emulation for Scalable Design-Space Exploration of Algorithms and Architectures”, 2016 Workshop on Exascale Multi/many Core Computing Systems (E-MuCoCoS 2016), Frankfurt, Germany, June 2016.

  • C. Pascoe, N. Kumar, H. Lam, G. Stitt, and A. George “FPGA-Pipelined Discrete-Event Simulations for Accelerated Behavioral Emulation of Extreme-Scale Systems”, Workshop on Modeling & Simulation of Systems & Applications (ModSim16), August 2016, Seattle.

  • N. Kumar, “Scalable Network Simulations”, Random access talk, 2015 Salishan Conference on High-Speed Computing, April 27-30, 2015 in Gleneden Beach, Oregon.

  • N. Kumar, “Behavioral Emulation: Modeling and Simulation/Emulation Methods”, Deep Dive Meeting, UF Center for Compressible Multiphase Turbulence, February 3-4, 2015.

  • N. Kumar, C. Pascoe, D. Rudolph, H. Lam, A. George, and G. Stitt, “Multi-scale, Multi-objective, Behavioral Modeling & Emulation of Extreme-scale Systems”, Workshop on Modeling & Simulation of Systems & Applications (ModSim14), 2014.